I’m making progress with riding Rosie in the school and we are making real progress but the western saddle is too heavy for me to carry- Enter the smallest member of staff with a solution! When I said I might look for a saddle trolley on Facebook, he was adamant that he could make one. He’s drawn out his design with his colouring pencils. We need the base frame of a wheelbarrow and two eight-inch tyres. He’s even making a little tack box so that I don’t have to carry it! He’s taught me how to use a drill this week and the boat he made is going on its maiden voyage in a local river today. I think he’ll need his swimmers
I’m making progress with riding Rosie in the school and we are making real progress but the western saddle is too heavy for me to carry- Enter the smallest member of staff with a solution! When I said I might look for a saddle trolley on Facebook, he was adamant that he could make one. He’s drawn out his design with his colouring pencils. We need the base frame of a wheelbarrow and two eight-inch tyres. He’s even making a little tack box so that I don’t have to carry it! i really hope his Dad doesn’t read this, he pinched the drill and about 750 screws!
He’s a practical little guy, he built a boat and it’s going on it’s maiden voyage in a local river today. I think he’ll need his swimmers…… (it consists of a sheet of plastic and three industrial catering bowls. He’s brilliant!!!